1.1 CAFM-Connect


Which Problem Does CAFM-Connect Solve?

With CAFM-Connect the data of buildings can be easily exchanged in an open and worldwide standardized data format.

Use of BIM in the operational phase The introduction of BIM processes in property management naturally leads to an initial expenditure by all involved that has to be recouped quickly for this model to establish itself. The benefit comes from saving working time for recurrent processes such as:

\* Simple tendering of facility services through an automated calculation of quantities from the BIM model \* Legally sound description of the rented property by avoiding differences in areas \* Reliable assessment of the property's condition by updating the property data record

Standards and IT systems

There are a number of standards and IT systems available on the market today to implement BIM processes and these have already been put to successful use in numerous projects. These include CAFM-Connect, a free interface from the CAFM Ring that has been developed to forward data from the construction phase into operation as well as the later interoperability of CAFM systems during operation. It supports the safe and agreement-free exchange of room lists. Rooms can be exchanged between software systems without losses for complete building portfolios. As of 2014 there is also the possibility of exchanging data on the technical facilities (objects). The exchange of the facility data is based on a basic catalogue of facility types and attributes that is being developed jointly by TÜV-Süd, REG-IS and the Technology Study Group of the CAFM-Ring.


The high level of automation for key processes made possible by BIM will have a great influence on the consistent process efficiency. The ROI not only flows back to the parties concerned but is split more or less equally across all roles. The job of the active (negotiating) partners is to identify this boost in efficiency and exploit the resulting benefits directly for themselves or to profit from any purchasing advantages if forwarded to their business partners.

FieldMappingDefinition Catalogue exchangeData exchange
Source (or publisher) for this classification. > NOTE  that the source of the classification means the person or organization that was the original author or the person or organization currently acting as the publisher.
FieldMappingDefinition Catalogue exchangeData exchange
Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world.
FieldMappingDefinition Catalogue exchangeData exchange
Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world.
FieldMappingDefinition Catalogue exchangeData exchange
Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world.